Rob Reed – Promo
You’ve got the hottest new show about to hit the air, and all you need now is the perfect way to promote it. You need promo voice over – the genre dedicated to capturing your station’s brand and reaching your specific markets. From television, to radio, to books, to movie trailers…you need an experienced voice over professional to get the job done right.
How hard could it be to find the right voice over talent?
Well, not easy, of course! Unlike commercial voice over, which aims to sell a specific product, promo work has to sell much more than a single show. The voice of a promo ad has to sell the whole network – with the right style and tone to match the branding of that network. This means staying relevant and cool if you want to reach the millenial crowd, or packing a real sense of drama into your soap opera network promos.
A voice actor has to signal a lot of different aspects of the TV or radio network in a short amount of time. This involves giving the audience an idea of what to expect. Are they going to have a fun and exciting time watching the types of shows on this network? What kind of journey will this and other shows take them on? Will it be scary? Is there suspense? The answers to these questions are rarely spelled out – instead, it’s the voice actor’s job to give the audience a real taste of what they’re going to feel if they tune in. And this has to be communicated fast!
Why is it so important to sell the whole network? The ad is for just one show, right?
Wrong! The beauty of selling the whole network brand with each ad is that it’ll win you a loyal viewership. Maybe that specific medical comedy doesn’t appeal to a potential viewer because they really don’t like the main actor. But maybe they like medical comedies in general, and now they know that your network hosts this kind of show. Rather than limiting your ad to one specific program, a well delivered promo opens up a world of possibilities for the audience – and for your growing fan base.
The art of promo voice over, and how I put the ‘pro’ in ‘promo’
A dark and dramatic show, needs a deep and intimidating voice to match. With the intriguing tone already set, the audience can’t help wanting to know more…A higher pitch, with a well-placed crack of the voice, can perfectly match the quirky, lovable sit-com…And the approachable, lighthearted delivery can make the family-friendly animal show an inviting experience for everyone.
I’ve got the professional sound, the skills and the know-how to make promos come alive. My big, commanding voice gets the audience listening, and emphasizes your message. I’ve got what it takes to embody your vibe, and sell your brand. And with the versatility to mold to a wide range of styles, I can help you target your specific audience and achieve your specific goals.
Let’s get down to the nitty gritty…
Promo can mean a lot of things. And the industry isn’t always clear on what’s what. In general, different types of promo segments can be broken down by the purpose they’re meant to serve, and in some cases the timing of when they’re played. For example, a ‘teaser’ is a segment that tells the audience what to expect in a given amount of time. A teaser might help retain viewers through a commercial break, if they’ve been promised a reward when the show returns. A ‘re-joiner’ can similarly help with transitions between programming, and is meant to bring the audience back to the main part of a show.
Other applications of promo are used to bring listeners and viewers back to the network at later times, such as later in the same day or at a future date. These promos might advertise a different show on the same channel, or the upcoming episode of the same show. One example of this kind of promo is the ‘recycler.’
Smart, punchy voice over to get your audience hooked
You may have the most amazing show or movie, but if you don’t nail the trailer, no one’s going to show up to see it. That’s why voice over is so important. You need the right voice talent to make a promo compelling, and even irresistible. Viewers and listeners will be hooked – and not only will they watch the show that the ad is for, they’ll keep coming back to the network for more!
I’m ready to help you bring your promo to life. I’ll keep it relevant, and give it just the touch of urgency it needs to motivate your audience.
You can count on me for fresh, savvy voice work.
You won’t regret it.