Can I listen, when you record?
How long does it take to record my project?
Solving Problems
Problem Solved
A very wise friend of mine, not in Voiceover once said… “If someone does something for a living, you should hire them.” Pretty simple, yes. But, I think you can take that one step further. If someone does something so well, that they are able to get paid for doing it, you just “Hire Them” to solve your
Being a Partner
So, it occurred to me today… that what we want is partners. Think about it, it’s always better to have partners. Whether you’re headed out for a night on the town, a Saturday trip to a college football game, or seeking reliable relationships in business… Partners are pretty valuable- Don’t you feel better when you have a partner to help
Saying Stuff
This is not exactly ground-breaking news – But it all depends on who is listening to you.
So, every day—and most nights, for several hours, I work on auditions for all kinds of projects. Ok, I’m not going to lie…. (many hours, actually) … I wrote in earlier blogging that I found it interesting that a lot of people don’t
A Peek Behind The Voice Over Curtain
Thought it might be interesting to peek behind the curtain… or inside the booth to answer some questions that I get about voice over from both clients and friends alike.
Friends ask, “What exactly is voice over?” My standard answer is – it’s all around you. Commercials on Radio and TV. It’s the voice behind that documentary that you