This is not exactly ground-breaking news – But it all depends on who is listening to you.
So, every day—and most nights, for several hours, I work on auditions for all kinds of projects. Ok, I’m not going to lie…. (many hours, actually) … I wrote in earlier blogging that I found it interesting that a lot of people don’t know what voice over is. Well, it can also be described as voice under, as my VO Coach put it. That makes a lot of sense, when you think about a TV spot, video narration, e-learning… and many of the other various projects that I audition for on a regular basis. It’s the voice that goes under images, video or even animation.
Well, it can be very subjective. As a voice-actor, voiceover artist, or whatever you call yourself, you never really know who is listening, when your audition gets opened. Is it the copy-writer? Maybe the producer, or casting agent. It could even be the actual client, who will be ultimately paying.
For me, I can honestly say I enjoy the entire process, even if I am not booked for the project, it’s always interesting and fun, to imagine exactly who is listening…and what they hear. I will admit that sometimes it would be nice to hear back, in whatever fashion that might be.
Hopefully… it will be my version that you like – Reach me anytime