Problem Solved
A very wise friend of mine, not in Voiceover once said… “If someone does something for a living, you should hire them.” Pretty simple, yes. But, I think you can take that one step further. If someone does something so well, that they are able to get paid for doing it, you just “Hire Them” to solve your problems.
We’re busy. There’s no doubt about that. So, when you find someone that can help you become more efficient – then you become partners. They become part of your team.
Over the years, one of the greatest compliments I had, while working with marketing businesses in the radio business, was when my clients, or as I call them, my friends would say, “Rob, someone from…(even a competitor) came by today, What do you think of this?”
They valued my background and experience enough to ask my opinion – I was part of the team. That friend trusted me.
For me, becoming that problem solver is one of the greatest things I could ever do.
For instance, doing what I do, voiceover… I turn things around quickly, without putting it off (just ask my clients)… the quality is terrific, and the job gets done right. That’s a problem solver. That’s a friend. For me, being part of the team… Solves Problems.
You’re welcome!
Let’s Talk. Contact me here